The Healing Circle

There is power of group to support, strengthen, and uplift the hope that is within you. Our groups are curated with care, to create a safe environment, while honoring your experience and helping you embrace your journey through healing.

The Healing Circle – A supportive space for women who are survivors of sexual abuse who are looking for support to promote healing along with skills for positive change. Art prompts will be offered as part of this group process.
The Healing Circle II – For women who have already participated in Healing Circle I and want to continue developing skills and resources in a supportive, trauma-informed space.

Group participants are provided with education and support to promote healing and the opportunity to further develop the skills for positive change. This group meets once a week, for 1 hour and 15 minutes, for 12 consecutive weeks.

Testimonials from group members:
“The Healing Circle support group was extremely helpful to me… the topics were relevant and the suggestions offered were helpful. I also really appreciated that I was able to remain anonymous.”

“This group has helped me to understand the repercussions of trauma and how it has influenced some of the decisions that I have made as well as why my brain reacts the way it does to certain life stressors.”

“Beyond exceeded my expectations… I never thought I will get to feel connection and compassion from the others.”

For more information or to register, please call 973-777-7638 ext. 300 or send us a message:

    How can we help?