Postpartum Support Circle

Click here to register for the Postpartum Support Circle.


“It was so nice to have a space to share “what’s really going on” with a group of like-minded women. As much as family and friends are well-meaning, if you never experienced the inner turmoil… you just don’t “get it.” This group was really helpful in getting me through the hardest period of my post-partum journey.”


“The amount of validation I received and felt from listening to women experiencing the same things as me and realizing that I am not the only one who feels this way.”


“I felt better hearing other women with similar issues as me, and even if we differed in what we were going through, there was always some similarity that made me feel like I wasn’t the only one going through this craziness of new baby alone.”


“My symptoms have really decreased… so, so grateful for this resource.”


“I gained so much knowledge and context and even more so, the meetings really helped me with feeling not alone.”