Rabbi Berel Leiner

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Rabbi Berel Leiner is the Rabbinical Liaison for Project SARAH, the agency’s domestic violence services program. He is a talmid of Rav Pam, ZT”L and has over 30 years of experience in chinuch. As founder of South Shore High School and Yeshiva Ateres Yaacov in the Five Town, Rav Leiner has demonstrated expertise in building programs from the bottom up. Rav Leiner has also served as Menahel of Elite High School in Brooklyn, Menahel of Yeshiva Toras Emes in Brooklyn, and Principal of Yeshivas Beis Hillel in Passaic, NJ. In addition to his vast experience in school settings, Rav Leiner served for nearly two decades as Head Counselor of major summer camps, where he is responsible for the wellbeing of hundreds of campers and staff. Rav Leiner is especially committed to the development and implementation of creative curricula that bring together a traditional religious and secular education. His unique ability to direct, guide and inspire students, staff and families alike makes Rav Leiner an asset and welcome addition to Project SARAH and JFS.